Day 16&17

Hey guys! I hope you’ve had a great week so far! I’ll start with my food diary for days 16&17!

Breakfast: Day 16- banana pb toast with coconut, cinnamon and chia seeds. Day 17- a side ways Avocado Toast with cayenne pepper and garlic salt. Yums to both. I really could tell you which one is my favorite. But they both are my favorite things to have for breakfast! Simple and quick makes that keep me full for hours! Both provide a variety of health benefits unique to what they are! 

Lunches- Day 16- a veggie burger from the Cheesecake Factory. It was so good! Had all the toppings, no condiments. And nooo cheese  cake. Day 17- not pictured- a PB and J sandwich, and some peach green tea from Hillcrest Coffee in Lakeland. 

Dinner- Day 16- rice cakes with pb and banana  day 17- avocado enchiladas with vegetable sauce and rice/beans from Abuelos. These enchiladas were SO GOOD. The ranchera sauce was perfect with the avocado! Def will get again. 

Workouts: Day 16- elliptical workout for 30 min and then 30 min of ultimate frisbee with my boy. Day 17- 60 minute elliptical workout with arms. 

Both great days! I’m achieving my goals I set for myself this week. Are you? If you need an accountability partner I’m here for you! 

Day 6

Hey guys! Today was a recovery day. I only went for a 4 mile walk and did some yoga. In between HIIT workouts you need to take a day or two to rest up! I started my day with an acai bowl! As per usual

Lunch: Vegan stir fry- Tofu, veggies and soy sauce! 

And dinner I had Avocado Toast! 

Also not pictured, I made the most AMAZING vegan brownies, recipe here! This recipe was from The Big Mans World. They were amazing. 

Worth every calorie. 

Here are my pictures: again, my workout was chill today. 

I hope you all had a great Friday Eve!!!! I’ll be starting my morning with a Spartan workout. I’ll tell you how it is tomorrow! 

What is your favorite HIIT workout? I want to know what you guys do! 

What is your favorite ‘healthier’ dessert? I like simple ones, 10 ingredients or less. The one I posted above only has 5 with the ganache! I’m telling you guys, this was the most decadent, delicious dessert I’ve had! 

I hope you guys finish the week out strong! MJ

Day 5

Hey guys!! Another day for the books. Today started slow, I was exhausted but we’ve made it! 

Breakfast: Granola cereal with unsweet almond milk! 

Lunch: Publix Vegetable Wrap, no mayo, no cheese! 

I love this wrap! I get extra banana peppers, spinach, lettuce and the Boar’s Head Sub Sauce. Basically just olive oil with spices!

Dinner: Tofu stir fry consisting of tofu, carrots, broccoli and green beans! It has a soy glaze with a little cornstarch to thicken it up. Topped with sesame seeds! 


And my workout: I only did 4 sets of the main break. It was tough! I’m shooting for 6 tomorrow! 

Glad we are one step closer to the week coming to a close! I’m ready for the weekend!! 
Love always, MJ

Day 2

Good day everyone!! Day 2 is on the books! I started my day off with this morning workout: 

And then replenished with the delish avocado toast for breakfast:

Lunch: organic jalapeño corn chips, chickpea muffin Recipe here, and a stuffed veggie Wrap!

Snack: picture not featured- bowl of honey bunches of oats with unsweetened almond milk (I was starving after the 6 mile walk/run)

Dinner: Acai Bowl! 

*drinking lots of water in between*

Other than the morning workout I posted above, I did a 6 mile walk, and a 30 minute weight workout focused on legs! 

Here are my photos from this morning, no edit, first shot of each side. 

My goal is toning. Jiggly skin is not my thing, let’s get it 💪🏼

Day 1

Hey guys! I’ve decided to do something a little different, I want to blog each day, my meals, a picture of my body, and a picture of my face andddd my workouts! I think it will be cool to see the progress EACH day throughout my next phase of weight loss. My goal this year: lose 30 lbs. So here we go, day one. 

Before breakfast, I did a quick 15 minute cardio/ arm workout to get my body up and moving. Uphill runs with 5lb weights and then an arm exercise downhill. X3 and then some extra arm exercises and abs. Quick and simple, planning on an afternoon distance walk/run and then evening weight session. 

Breakfast: #Dave’sbread thin sliced with #earthbalance coconut peanutbutter, a banana, topped with chia seeds. 

Lunch: Organic Jalapeño chips, sautéed sweet potato and onions, and romaine lettuce with a little white balsamic vinegar. 

Dinner: Organic Whole wheat pasta with spinach pesto, onions and sundried tomatos. 

*Drinking lots of water in between each meal and workout*


These photos have no edit, first shot of each angle. I try and be completely unbiased when it comes to progress pictures. I don’t want to hid progress down the line because I didn’t like what I looked like in my ‘before’ picture! 
Day 2 tomorrow!

Dear Weight Plataeu…

Dear Weight Plateau,

You’re the worse. Seriously? Don’t you have anything better to do? I’m working my butt off and eating right and you just seem to be stuck in quick stand. 

Guys, getting in a weight plateau is the WORST, we all know that! 

Just so you know Weight, I’m going to destroy you. Forget this stiffness, I’m changing things up. What to know how I’m going to do it? In stead of doing my normal workout routines, long walks/runs, repeated weight exercises,and basic body weight workouts, I’m gonna change it all up! I’m gonna do some sprints, max rep weight exercises, and endurance building body weight workouts. 

Sprints? Yea, sprints. Uphill. Take that. Max rep workouts? Prepare to be sore. And endurance body weight workouts, woooooo man you’re going to wish you just moved a week ago. Here we go. 


Okay, lame post I know, but sometimes you just got to talk to yourself and change it up! If you’re finding yourself stuck with little change, even though your effort level is the same or higher, you might be in a plateau. It’s okay. It happens to almost everyone! It really just means you need to switch things up, get your body doing something new, something that works different muscles, forms different success. You’ll reach your goal, just listen to your body. 

I’ll be adding a post tomorrow about my new workout! 5:30am sharp… what will you be doing? #getupandgetmoving

Why the Scale Doesn’t Matter

Hey guys, today I wanted to get real with you on a subject all of us, well most all, stuggle with. 

The scale. 

The dreaded scale. I really don’t know what can be worse than that thing. It can give you nightmares. I’ve found myself SHOCKED at the number I saw pop up. I could be doing everything right, even losing inches, and my weight goes up! What a jerk you, scale. 

But here is the thing, get rid of it. I mean it, stash it away for a rainy day when you really want to know your ‘weight.’

If you’re in the process of losing weight, maintaining, or gaining weight, the easiest way to see the truth is through measurements. I’m serious! Here is what I do….

Every Monday, each week, as soon as I get up, I measure myself.

  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Legs 
  • Waist (above the hips)
  • Tummy (right at your belly button) 

Each Monday I record these measurements on a sheet of paper, and each week I can see what has changed and what hasn’t. The thing is, naturally, your body fluctuates in weight. Water weight, whether you’ve used the bathroom, etc. But when it comes to taking measurements, especially right when you wake up, you’ll have some of the best results (that are in line with your true body size)

So here is the thing, try it. I know that scale is tempting to get on, even the slightest loseness in your pants makes you want to see what number you’re at. But try it, for a month, don’t take your weight. Do measurements! You’ll be even more shocked to see the inches change. It’s a tangible sheet that can show your progress over any period of time. It’s something you can be proud of! Just because you go down in inches/fat, your weight can stay the same or even increase.