Day 18

Man was today a DAY! I found a new love inthe workout world- TRX. 

Breakfast: Avocado Toast, as per usual. Topped with cayenne and garlic salt! 

After this I did the TRX class. 700 calories in 45 minutes!!!!! Say whattttttt???? Yea! It was amazing! Constantly moving and keeping the heart rate up. I LOVED it. 

Lunch: Banana and hummus pack. I had this before my workout, but after I also had a rice cake with pb, coconut, chia seeds and cinnamon. 

Dinner: this beauty. Man, this was the best sandwich I’ve ever made! It had mixed lettuce, tomato, nana peppers, roasted red peppers, spicy mustard, vegan mayo, sub sauce on Eureka Bread! YUMMOOO

I also went to a dance cardio class for an hour and burned another 550 calories. 

Total calories: 1,659 calories

Total workout time: 175 minutes

You today was awesome!! I also went to Publix and got lots of fresh veggies and fruits (ones I either already ate or didn’t get at the Farmers Market.) 

Keep up on your goals 🙂

Day 5

Hey guys!! Another day for the books. Today started slow, I was exhausted but we’ve made it! 

Breakfast: Granola cereal with unsweet almond milk! 

Lunch: Publix Vegetable Wrap, no mayo, no cheese! 

I love this wrap! I get extra banana peppers, spinach, lettuce and the Boar’s Head Sub Sauce. Basically just olive oil with spices!

Dinner: Tofu stir fry consisting of tofu, carrots, broccoli and green beans! It has a soy glaze with a little cornstarch to thicken it up. Topped with sesame seeds! 


And my workout: I only did 4 sets of the main break. It was tough! I’m shooting for 6 tomorrow! 

Glad we are one step closer to the week coming to a close! I’m ready for the weekend!! 
Love always, MJ

Spartan Race Training

Hey guys! I don’t know if you know but I LOVE obstacle races. I’ve done a couple Savage Races over the years but today I signed up for my first Spartan Race, the Spartan Sprint. I’ll be making up a training schedule and doing a lot of their WOD (workout of the day) to help prepare for the race in December! I’m really excited about this! Here are some pictures from past Savage races, I’ve done three but can’t find the pictures! They are somewhere on my computer. 

This race will just be me and my fiancé, this hunk 😍

We LOVE doing outdoorsy things together. Next week we are camping! He challenges me and pushes me to see past limits I set on myself. Here is today’s WOD: I’ll be shooting for 8 times through the main set. We will see about that 2-3 mile run, I might just laugh at it. 

I’m really excited to start this training. Along with the WOD and whatever else I do, I’ll be sure to do 30 burpees as well. In Spartan races, if you fail any obstacle, the penalty is 30 burpees, PER OBSTACLE. The Spartan Sprint is 3-5 miles with about 20 obstacles or so. Lord have mercy. 

To give you an idea, the Savage race is usually 7 miles with 25-26 obstacles. They are pretty spread out. But the Spartan Sprint will have a more condensed area so you’ll be doing obstacle after obstacle pretty quickly. Aka you’ll be burning you muscles out faster. The Savage Race have usually a 1/4 mile between major obstacles, sometimes the barb wire crawls would have an obstacle right after but that isn’t as intense as a 17 ft rope climb….yea. 

Regardless, I’m STOKEDDDDDD. I’ll update you guys tomorrow on how today’s workout goes and let you know what their workout of the day is tomorrow! The goal is a lot of upper body training to increase my muscle endurance and gain strength. 💪🏼 

Let’s do this! MJ 

Day 4

Hey everyone! Today was crazy and I didn’t have my phone most of the time so I’ll be reusing pictures of my meal, I’m a creature of habit so they are usually exactly the same. 

Breakfast: Acai bowl! It’s my go to if you haven’t noticed! I wake up craving it. Settles any sweet craving for the day! 

Lunch: Tofu and veggie stir fry again. I meal prepped this for three days so I’ll have it again thursday! It was delish! 

Dinner: GrillSmith Cilantro Lime salad. I didn’t take a picture but I’ll describe it! Romaine and spinach lettuce, corn bean salad, tortilla shavings, avocado, and dressing on the side, cilantro lime sauce! I always opt to have my dressing on the side. Saves calories and soggy salads! I don’t like a lot of dressing, I like it for the flavor, not the thickness! I got no cheese too. 

Workouts: 6 mile sprint/walk intervals. Whooooo this was hard. 1pm in FL at 98 degrees is brutal. Trust me, it feels like 110. But I powered through! 

I promise tomorrow will be better with photos and updates, today was just a crazyyyy day. 
Love you all, MJ

Day 2

Good day everyone!! Day 2 is on the books! I started my day off with this morning workout: 

And then replenished with the delish avocado toast for breakfast:

Lunch: organic jalapeño corn chips, chickpea muffin Recipe here, and a stuffed veggie Wrap!

Snack: picture not featured- bowl of honey bunches of oats with unsweetened almond milk (I was starving after the 6 mile walk/run)

Dinner: Acai Bowl! 

*drinking lots of water in between*

Other than the morning workout I posted above, I did a 6 mile walk, and a 30 minute weight workout focused on legs! 

Here are my photos from this morning, no edit, first shot of each side. 

My goal is toning. Jiggly skin is not my thing, let’s get it 💪🏼

Day 1

Hey guys! I’ve decided to do something a little different, I want to blog each day, my meals, a picture of my body, and a picture of my face andddd my workouts! I think it will be cool to see the progress EACH day throughout my next phase of weight loss. My goal this year: lose 30 lbs. So here we go, day one. 

Before breakfast, I did a quick 15 minute cardio/ arm workout to get my body up and moving. Uphill runs with 5lb weights and then an arm exercise downhill. X3 and then some extra arm exercises and abs. Quick and simple, planning on an afternoon distance walk/run and then evening weight session. 

Breakfast: #Dave’sbread thin sliced with #earthbalance coconut peanutbutter, a banana, topped with chia seeds. 

Lunch: Organic Jalapeño chips, sautéed sweet potato and onions, and romaine lettuce with a little white balsamic vinegar. 

Dinner: Organic Whole wheat pasta with spinach pesto, onions and sundried tomatos. 

*Drinking lots of water in between each meal and workout*


These photos have no edit, first shot of each angle. I try and be completely unbiased when it comes to progress pictures. I don’t want to hid progress down the line because I didn’t like what I looked like in my ‘before’ picture! 
Day 2 tomorrow!

Dear Weight Plataeu…

Dear Weight Plateau,

You’re the worse. Seriously? Don’t you have anything better to do? I’m working my butt off and eating right and you just seem to be stuck in quick stand. 

Guys, getting in a weight plateau is the WORST, we all know that! 

Just so you know Weight, I’m going to destroy you. Forget this stiffness, I’m changing things up. What to know how I’m going to do it? In stead of doing my normal workout routines, long walks/runs, repeated weight exercises,and basic body weight workouts, I’m gonna change it all up! I’m gonna do some sprints, max rep weight exercises, and endurance building body weight workouts. 

Sprints? Yea, sprints. Uphill. Take that. Max rep workouts? Prepare to be sore. And endurance body weight workouts, woooooo man you’re going to wish you just moved a week ago. Here we go. 


Okay, lame post I know, but sometimes you just got to talk to yourself and change it up! If you’re finding yourself stuck with little change, even though your effort level is the same or higher, you might be in a plateau. It’s okay. It happens to almost everyone! It really just means you need to switch things up, get your body doing something new, something that works different muscles, forms different success. You’ll reach your goal, just listen to your body. 

I’ll be adding a post tomorrow about my new workout! 5:30am sharp… what will you be doing? #getupandgetmoving

30 Minute Treadmill Workout

Guys, this treadmill workout is great! I made it about a week ago. Although it’s based off me and my pace settings, you can adjust accordingly. It’s only a 30 minute workout! Great way to get your heart pumping and better your health. 

Here it is! 

Now my suggestions: 

  • I usually run (light jog) at a 5.5mph pace, but my fiancé jogs at a 6.5mph pace, so if you have the need to increase your over all paces throughout the workout (like he would need to) I would add 1-1.5mph to each interval. 
  • The 30 minute workout doesn’t include the 10 minute cools down walk, but make sure to include it. Your body needs to recover after all that hard work! 
  • Make sure to drink LOTS of water during and after. 
  • Take breaks as needed, not everyone will be able do go all the way though the workout, what is important is that next time, you take one less break, or you up your speed once. Always focus on getting better! 
  • Make sure you replenish your body with healthy and yummy foods after such a great workout! 

Thanks for reading! 

  • If you try this workout, or any others I have posted, shoot me a message! I would love to hear how it went for you and see what you think!  

Workout Routine: HIIT

Check out this great HIIT workout to help get your day moving in 30 minutes or less!

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you!
I want to share with you one of my quick, effective workouts. When I’m either running short on time, working out before work, or wanting something to do in between things, my go to is a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT workouts are usually pretty short workouts, ranging from 20-30 minutes, but have short breaks in between exercises (20 seconds.) 

There are four main parts to a HIIT workout, at least with the ones I do! Your cardio, upper body, lower body and abs. 

The workout is set up like this:

One minute for each exercise, 20 second test in between. 

  • Upper Body (x3)

          -In between the three exercises you pick for upper body, do a cardio exercise. (20 second rest inbetween upper & cardio exercise.)

  • Lower Body (x3)

          -Again, similar set up to upper body, you’ll do a cardio exercise inbetween each of the lower body workout moves. (20 second rest inbetween.)

  • Ab Workout (x4)

          -Similar to upper and lower body, you’ll do a cardio exercise inbetween each ab move, (1 minute for each exercise and 20 second rest in between.)

  • Stretch! 

        – It’s SO important for you to help your body recover after such a high intensity workout, doing different stretches will help your muscles relieve the lactic acid, releasing built up presssure. 

Here are some examples (that I like to use) of different exercises for each category. 

-Upper : weighted shoulder press, weighted curls, push-ups, triceps dips, bench press, shoulder flys, etc. 

-Lower : Lunges, squats, pulse squats, curtsy squats, box jumps, heismans, drop-and-hold squats, squat press, etc. 

-Abs : Leg throws, bicycle crunches, toe touches, Pilates 100 pulses, full sit-ups, plank, side planks, plank pulses, weighted oblique side leans, crunches. 

-Cardio: Mountain climbers, high knees, butt kicks, sprints, jumping jacks, box jumps, tuck jumps, wide leg tuck jumps, ski jumps, high-low jumps, mummy kicks, etc. 

If you want a wider variety of each workout message me for more info! If you’re local I would love to workout with you!! Let’s keep each other accountable and keep a healthy life style.