Back to college & goals for the week

Helllooooo, I’m starting my senior year of college at USF, whoot whoot. I’m planning on moving back Thursday so work with me on blog production! I don’t know if it’s just me or is college not everyone thing? 

Did you like college? What was something you were involved in that made your college experience? I really want to know! I rushed, wasn’t me, joined clubs, eh they are okay, and did trips with the school, nothing that stuck. What should I do! I want the college experience but I’m just not feeling it! 

Anyways, my goals! I wanted to share them with you to keep accountable! I think sharing goals can be a pivotal step in success! 

1. Clean, plant based eating allllll week. While camping in GA I fell of the plant based eating, and I could tell! I fell groggy and unhealthy. It’s crazy how your body can react to the food you put in it so quickly! 

2. Workout everyday! My thing is, even walking for 30 min is a workout, as long as your up and moving each day, you’re doing your body good. So whatever your definition of working out is, do it! Although I do say ‘workout’ 5-6 times a week. I’m planning on doing the Spartan WOD routines! The one I did a couple weeks ago KICKED MY BOOOTAYYYY. It was awesome. Let’s do it again! 

3. Keep a positive attitude. I recently found out I needed to push my wedding back a couple months because of some things and I am NOT happy about it! The thing is, I know I can’t change it. I need to try to focus my dissatisfaction of moving the wedding, towards excitment for the wedding! Change of perspective. 

4. Get Involved. As I am moving back this week to college, I want to get involved in something right off the bat! I can be so bad about making myself do things I don’t want to do, even if it betters who I am. 

5. Be present. I am a serious Type-A person. I get things done before they need to be done, and stay focused and organized while being extremely efficient. Being the way I am, I can get caught up in silly things, struggling from GAD doesn’t help either, but I want to become more present. Whether that is with my fiancé, my classes, my friends, whoever, I want to soak in the moments and focus on what is most important rather than worrying about something else. 

Those are my goals! 

What are your goals? 

What motivates you to succeed? My motivation is my future, whether that be with my fiancé, my work life, my family life, etc. 

I hope you all set goals for yourself and strive to follow them. Nothing, I repeat nothing, feels better than achieving something you set out to accomplish. 

Strive on, MJ

Author: fitnessandhealthmpj

Just a girl getting her health on track and meeting my fitness goals!

2 thoughts on “Back to college & goals for the week”

  1. I love these goals! I have really similar ones 🙂 I think staying positive is definitely the most important.

    I loved college! I was on the sailing team and was able to meet a ton of people through that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought about doing the sailing team! The only problem is their practice is like 4-8 every other morning and an hour away and I have all morning classes! But maybe I’ll check into it again and see if I can work something out!


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